A pipe band is looking to drum up some publicity ahead of its first public performance.

The Bordon Pipe Band would love to blow the audience away with their debut performance at Sacred Heart Church on June 7.

The group, which has around a dozen members and rehearses every Thursday evening at the same venue, will perform as part of the Parish Feast Day celebrations.

But there’s always room for more and Father John Chandler would like to swell the numbers with further performances in the diary. No musical experience is necessary as tuition for pipers and drummers will be provided.

Father John said: “We were established as a band last autumn and we have a mix of ability, from complete beginners to some with a decade of experience.

“Our members age from eight to 84, and they come from quite a wide area. We welcome any new members, ranging from anyone that can play to someone who has never played before.

“A few of our members have gone from nothing in September to playing quite confidentially, now.”

The Ramsay tartan-wearing band would ideally like more drummers, as they make up a quarter of the current line-up. Although piping bands have a strong military connection, Father John’s group wasn’t set up as a nod to Bordon’s heritage.

“I know you see pipe bands commonly in musical communities but I didn’t join for that reason,” said Alex Chase, one of their pipers. “I just love the instrument.”

Email [email protected] for group and membership enquiries.